Tuesday 16 April 2013

Billionaires Club

This post, I am writing, fully dedicated to my personal objective as a man living in the present world. The term of millionaires and billionaires in Indonesian and American will be completely different due to currency/foreign exchange, 1 US$ equal to IDR 10,000 roughly that is...

So, for the sake of easier definition, I'd say billionaires (of course, in Indonesian) in this post.

Some people are lucky to be born from wealthy and rich family where what they need to do is concentrate to more substantial thing such as study and live an easy life, but some of us have to fight from the scratch. And still you will never get there, if only expecting salary from what you earn from your monthly salary, let's say if you work in Indonesia, it will be typically less than 10 figures (presumably you have a great education, great portfolio within 10-15 yrs, etc). But then if you are the director/governor of central bank then you will earn 2-2.5 times than the normal 10 figures as i mentioned above. But then, there is only one central bank director, isn't it? So, considering this fact, and learning from other experience, I choose to invest some of what i have (not as big as you would imagine) to many other areas... all is for one purpose, maybe I am not the next Carlos Slim Helu or Warren Buffet, but I want my generation to be lucky to have me as their father, the one that they will be proud of, the one that live only for them... and as for my wife, so she will feel blessed to have me as her partner in her entire life...

Roughly about 3-4 months ago, I told Steven, the boyfriend of the girl that introduced me to my fiancee, that he can only get married if only he has at least his first 10 figures net worth (cash combined with assets minus liabilities, short or long). I hope he can reach that, and i hope he knows how to get there. By the way, he is currently studying in Norway, and hopefully graduates this June 2013...

The only way to get to Billionaires Club is to start thinking like Billionaires.... that is hardly squeezing/cutting cost abruptly, instead maximizing income (active, passive, etc)...

Are you one of them?
(Alvi and I, Karin and Steven on Jan 5th 2013, Pondok Indah Mall)


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